


The goatfishes are fish belonging to the family Mullidae, which is the only family in the order Mulliformes. This family is sometimes referred to as the red mullets, specifically referring to the genus Mullus. It is important to note that, apart from the red mullet and the striped red mullet or surmullet, the term "mullet" generally refers to a different family of fish, known as the Mugilidae or gray mullets.

Goatfish are characterized by their two chin barbels, which are often referred to as a goatee. These barbels contain chemosensory organs that are used for probing the sand or reef holes in search of food. They have deep and elongated bodies, with forked tails and widely separated dorsal fins. The first dorsal fin typically has 6-8 spines, while the second dorsal fin has one spine and 8-9 soft rays, which are shorter than the anal fin. The anal fin usually has 1 or 2 spines, with 5-8 soft rays. Goatfish have 24 vertebrae and many species display vibrant colors. The dash-and-dot goatfish (Parupeneus barberinus) is the largest species, growing up to 60 cm (24 in) in length, while most other species are smaller.

There are six genera and approximately 86 species within the goatfish family.

Goatfish can be found distributed worldwide in tropical, subtropical, and temperate waters, inhabiting a variety of habitats. While most species are associated with the bottom of the littoral zone, some species of Upeneus can be found in deeper waters. For example, the goatfish species Upeneus davidaromi can be found at depths of 500 meters (1,600 ft). Tropical goatfish often live in close association with coral reefs. Additionally, some species like the freckled goatfish (Upeneus tragula) are known to enter estuaries and rivers, although to a lesser extent.

These fish are known as benthic feeders, using their long chemosensory barbels to search through sediments for prey. Their diet includes worms, crustaceans, molluscs, and other small invertebrates. It is common to see other fish accompanying goatfish, patiently waiting for any overlooked prey. In 🇮🇩 Indonesia, large schools of the goldsaddle goatfish (Parupeneus cyclostomus) and moray eels engage in cooperative hunting, a behavior known as shadow feeding.

During the day, many goatfish form large schools of inactive (nonfeeding) fish, which can consist of both goatfish and other species. For instance, the yellowfin goatfish (Mulloidichthys vanicolensis) is often seen congregating with bluestripe snappers (Lutjanus kasmira).

Goatfish possess the ability to change their coloration depending on their current activity. One notable example is the diurnal goldsaddle goatfish (Parupeneus cyclostomus), which can change from a lemon-yellow to a pale cream color while feeding.

These fish can rapidly change their coloration, often adopting a pale color when resting on the sand to blend with the background and become less visible to predators. These color changes are reversible and can occur within seconds, repeatedly throughout an individual's lifespan. Two goatfish species, the mimic goatfish (Mulloidichthys mimicus) and Ayliffe's goatfish (Mulloidichthys ayliffe), have evolved to mimic the blue-striped snapper (Lutjanus kasmira), with which they often form schools. These genetic changes have occurred slowly over many generations.

Goatfish reproduce by releasing numerous buoyant eggs into the water, which then become part of the plankton. These eggs float with the currents until hatching. The larvae then spend 4-8 weeks drifting in oceanic waters or in the outer shelf before undergoing metamorphosis and developing barbels. Following this, most species adopt a bottom-feeding lifestyle, though some remain in the open water as juveniles or feed on plankton.

Juvenile goatfish commonly prefer soft bottoms and can be found in seagrass beds or mangroves. As they develop, their habitat preference changes along with their feeding habits, social behavior, and associations with other species. Most goatfish reach reproductive maturity after 1-2 years.

Goatfish species are economically important and can be found in many fisheries around the world. In ancient Rome, two species of goatfish (Mullus barbatus and Mullus surmuletus) were highly sought after and expensive. They were valued for their aesthetic appeal, as the fish displayed a variety of colors and shades even in death. Therefore, it was crucial to serve the fish live and let them die before the eyes of the guests.

9 Creatures in Goatfishes