Redspot Goatfish

Parupeneus heptacanthus

25 - 36 cm 877 g 12-350 m
Redspot Goatfish

Parupeneus heptacanthus, also known as Redspot Goatfish or Cinnabar Goatfish, is a marine species marketed in the UK as "Red Mullet." This fish is indigenous to the western Pacific and 🌊 Indian Oceans, inhabiting tropical marine and brackish environments associated with reefs at depths ranging from 12 to 350 meters. The maximum recorded length for this species is 36.0 cm, with a common length of about 25 cm, a maximum published weight of 877 grams, and a reported lifespan of up to 6 years.

The coloration of Parupeneus heptacanthus varies from brownish yellow to light red, with deeper-dwelling individuals appearing more red. The scale edges are darker, transitioning to silvery white on the underside. Adults feature a distinctive small reddish-brown spot on the upper side of the body beneath the seventh and eighth lateral-line scales. An indistinct narrow yellow stripe may be visible above the lateral line, particularly in juveniles and subadults. The dorsal body scales often display a pale blue or pearly spot, and faint iridescent blue lines extend in specific patterns from the eye. The second dorsal and anal fins exhibit faint pale blue or pink bands interspersed with pale yellow.

This species is typically found either alone or in small groups on muddy, sandy, rubble, or seagrass substrates of lagoon and seaward reefs, generally at depths exceeding 20 meters. The flesh of the Redspot Goatfish is considered palatable for human consumption. Like other fish species, Parupeneus heptacanthus hosts various parasites, including the physalopterid nematode Rasheedia heptacanthi, which affects its digestive system.

Parupeneus heptacanthus is distributed throughout the Indo-West Pacific region, from the 🌊 Red Sea and the east coast of Africa to the Caroline Islands and 🇫🇯 Fiji. The genus name, Parupeneus, derives from Latin, combining "parum" or "parvum," meaning small, with Peneus, the name of a river.




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Last Update: November 14, 2024
