Pikachu Nudibranch

Thecacera pacifica

Pikachu Nudibranch

Thecacera pacifica represents a species within the Polyceridae family, classified as a nudibranch, more commonly referred to as a sea slug. This marine gastropod mollusk has been colloquially dubbed the "Pikachu nudibranch," due to its visual similarities to the popular Pokémon character, Pikachu.

Geographically, Thecacera pacifica's range extends from the coast of 🇲🇿 Mozambique along the African shoreline of the 🌊 Indian Ocean to the archipelagic countries of 🇮🇩 Indonesia and 🇻🇺 Vanuatu. There have been occurrences of this species noted within the 🌊 Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean as well.

Morphologically, this species exhibits a translucent orange pigmentation, complemented by black-tipped rhinophores and branchial plumes. The sheaths of the rhinophores are bordered with a distinct black edge and include a notable patch of blue at their broadest section. This distinguishing blue hue is also present on the caudal extremity and at the apical ends of the dorso-lateral papillae, adjacent to the branchial plumes, and is demarcated from the primary orange hue by a concentric black band. Certain specimens may display linear black markings across their dorsal surfaces, punctuated by blue centers.

Habitually residing in shallow marine environments characterized by sandy substrates, Thecacera pacifica specializes in consuming bryozoan colonies as its primary nutritional source.

50 mm



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Last Update: May 6, 2024