Mexichromis Katalexis

Mexichromis katalexis

Mexichromis Katalexis

Mexichromis katalexis is classified as a species of sea slug within the order of dorid nudibranchs. This organism is a marine gastropod mollusk devoid of a shell and is a member of the Chromodorididae family.

The primary specimen, or holotype, of Mexichromis katalexis was procured at a depth of 20 meters west of Lilibooi, Hitu, on the island of Ambon in the year 1990. Additional samples acquired from Hitu and Tulamben in Bali (🇮🇩 Indonesia) were incorporated into the taxonomic characterization of this species.

Upon examination, Mexichromis katalexis exhibits homologies with Mexichromis multituberculata (Baba, 1989), particularly displaying conical, pointed, and purple-tipped papillae upon its dorsum, and is bordered by purple-tinted mantle patches. Its geographical distribution extends to regions such as 🇯🇵 Japan, 🇨🇳 China, and 🇭🇰 Hong Kong. Notwithstanding similarities, Mexichromis katalexis is distinguished from its counterpart by the distinct morphology of its papillae and the presence of a purple tuberculate margin.

Observations in their natural habitat have documented both species in proximity, consuming identical alimentary resources, leading to the initial hypothesis that they might be conspecific. However, upon closer inspection, differentiation between the two species is discernible by variations in radula structure and coloration.




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Last Update: May 8, 2024