Indian Ocean Bobtail Squid

Euprymna stenodactyla

2.5 cm
Indian Ocean Bobtail Squid

Euprymna stenodactyla is a species of bobtail squid belonging to the class Cephalopoda, which exhibits gonochorism. In this class, adult males and females typically die shortly after spawning and brooding, respectively. Regarding mating behavior, males engage in a series of displays intended to attract potential female partners for copulation. During this process, the male grasps the female and inserts the hectocotylus into the female's mantle cavity, where fertilization generally takes place. The life cycle of Euprymna stenodactyla involves embryos hatching into a planktonic stage, during which they live for a period before maturing into a benthic lifestyle as adults.

Euprymna stenodactyla is indigenous to the 🌊 Indian Ocean and has been reliably documented only in 🇲🇺 Mauritius. There are, however, questionable records of its presence in the Indo-West Pacific region, ranging from the Mascarene Islands to Queensland, 🇦🇺 Australia, and extending into Polynesia.



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Last Update: November 2, 2024
