Yellowtail Sweeper

Pempheris schwenkii

Yellowtail Sweeper

The yellowtail sweeper (Pempheris flavicauda) is a small, colorful fish that is found in the 🌊 Red Sea and other tropical and subtropical waters around the world. It is a member of the Pempheridae family, which is also known as the sweepers.

Yellowtail sweepers are typically about 10-15 cm (4-6 inches) long and have a slender, elongated body. They are bright yellow with a white belly and a black stripe on their caudal fin. They have a small mouth and a pair of large eyes.

Yellowtail sweepers are cleaner fish, which means that they eat parasites and other organisms off of other fish. They do this by swimming up to a larger fish and hovering in front of it. The larger fish will then open its mouth and the yellowtail sweeper will swim inside and start picking off the parasites. This is a beneficial relationship for both fish, as the yellowtail sweeper gets a meal and the larger fish gets rid of its parasites.

Yellowtail sweepers are an important part of the 🌊 Red Sea ecosystem and help to keep other fish healthy.

Yellowtail sweepers are nocturnal fish and are most active at night. They are social fish and often live in groups of up to 100 individuals. They are also known to form symbioses with other fish, such as the Bluestriped Snapper.

10 cm



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Last Update: December 24, 2023