Masked Puffer

Arothron diadematus

Masked Puffer

The masked puffer (Arothron diadematus) is a pufferfish belonging to the Tetraodontidae family. This species is exclusively found in the 🌊 Red Sea.

It typically grows up to a maximum length of 30 cm and has an olive-green or grey coloration. One distinctive characteristic of the masked puffer is the presence of a black mask over its eyes and pectoral fins, while its mouth is bordered by a black outline. While it is usually observed as a solitary creature, it forms schools during the mating period. Some experts argue that this species might be a variation of the Arothron nigropunctatus.

The masked puffer is primarily associated with coral reefs and can be found within a depth range of surface to 20 meters.

30 cm 20 m Poisonous



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Last Update: December 30, 2023