


Needlefish, also known as long toms, are carnivorous fish that are commonly found in shallow marine habitats or near the surface of the open sea. They belong to various genera, with some species inhabiting marine, brackish, and freshwater environments. However, certain genera, such as Belonion, Potamorrhaphis, and Xenentodon, are exclusively found in freshwater rivers and streams. It is worth noting that needlefish share similarities with North American freshwater gars, characterized by their elongated bodies and long, slender jaws filled with sharp teeth. Despite this resemblance, needlefish are not closely related to true gars. Interestingly, the term "garfish" was initially used to describe the European needlefish Belone belone before it was later adopted by European settlers in the 18th century to refer to North American fish species.

4 Creatures in Needlefishes