Hureau's Flounder

Engyprosopon hureaui

5 cm 1-81 m
Hureau's Flounder

Hureau's Flounder (Engyprosopon hureaui) is a small tropical marine fish native to the Indo-West Pacific region, specifically from the 🌊 Red Sea and 🇲🇻 Maldives to the Coral Sea. These fish are typically found in shallow waters, ranging from just 1 meter down to 81 meters (3 to 266 feet) deep, where they inhabit sandy and muddy ocean bottoms.

The flounder has a maximum standard length of about 5 centimeters (approximately 2 inches). Its head and body have a uniform color, with almost no spots or rings, and its eyes do not have any flaps. On the side where the eyes are located, the lower jaw length is about 9.3 to 13% of the standard length of the fish.

The name "Engyprosopon" reflects its appearance, combining Greek words meaning "nearly" and "a face." This intriguing little fish is an example of the fascinating biodiversity found in tropical marine environments.



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Last Update: January 31, 2025
