Ornate Ghost Pipefish

Solenostomus paradoxus

Ornate Ghost Pipefish

The Solenostomus paradoxus, more commonly referred to as the ornate ghost pipefish or harlequin ghost pipefish, is a member of the Solenostomidae family. Its nomenclature is derived from the Greek term "paradoxos," highlighting the distinct external morphology of this species. The ornate ghost pipefish predominantly inhabits the reef peripheries within the Western Pacific and 🌊 Indian Ocean that are subject to vigorous currents, with a geographical spread extending from the 🌊 Red Sea to 🇹🇴 Tonga.

Adult specimens can attain an overall body length of up to 12 centimeters. Their coloration exhibits remarkable variability, encompassing a spectrum that includes hues of red, yellow, and black, with a pronounced near-transparent quality. Despite their relative prevalence within their native range, the ornate ghost pipefish's sophisticated camouflage renders detection by observers notably challenging.

These creatures are typically observed either individually or in pairs, intricately blending into their surroundings among the branches of gorgonians, amidst floating seaweed, or within the arms of crinoids. Their diet consists primarily of mysids and diminutive benthic shrimp, which they capture through ambush predation facilitated by their adept camouflage.

12 cm



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Last Update: May 6, 2024