Orchid Dottyback

Pseudochromis fridmani

6.3 cm 1-60 m
Orchid Dottyback

Pseudochromis fridmani, commonly known as the orchid dottyback, belongs to the family Pseudochromidae, commonly referred to as the dottybacks. This species is endemic to the 🌊 Red Sea and is notable for its vibrant coloration and compact size, reaching up to 6.3 centimeters in length.

Inhabiting tropical marine environments, Pseudochromis fridmani is typically found at depths of up to 60 meters, often near coral reefs. The species exhibits a preference for sheltering in crevices and under reef overhangs, which offer protection and suitable habitat conditions.

The orchid dottyback holds significance in the aquarium trade and has been successfully bred in captivity, contributing to its commercial value. The species' specific epithet, fridmani, honors David Fridman of the Maritime Museum in Eilat, 🇮🇱 Israel, who was responsible for collecting the type specimen.

This species represents an interesting subject for marine biologists and aquarists alike due to its specific habitat requirements and adaptability to captive breeding conditions.




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Last Update: July 9, 2024
