Five-lined Cardinalfish

Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus

Five-lined Cardinalfish

The Five-lined Cardinalfish, scientifically known as Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus, is a vibrant and visually striking species of fish that can be found in the 🌊 Red Sea. Belonging to the family Apogonidae, this fish is highly regarded and frequented by divers and snorkelers in the region.

This cardinalfish species displays a whitish body adorned with five black stripes along its sides. Its caudal peduncle, or the region connecting the body to the tail, is yellow and distinguished by a black spot located at the base of the middle rays of the caudal fin. Notably, these fish possess large canine teeth.

Usually inhabiting coral reefs, the Five-lined Cardinalfish seeks refuge within the branching corals and crevices of the reef structure. It is typically found in small to moderate-sized groups, where it thrives in the safety and companionship of its own kind. This species demonstrates a highly territorial nature and will vigorously defend its chosen hiding spots against intruders.

This cardinalfish is primarily active during the night, occupying the daytime hours by remaining concealed within the reef. As dusk approaches, it becomes more active, employing its exceptional vision to its advantage. With keen eyesight, the Five-lined Cardinalfish depends heavily on its ability to spot and capture small invertebrates and drifting zooplankton in the water column.

In terms of reproductive behavior, this species is considered mouthbrooders. After successful courtship, the female deposits her adhesive eggs onto the substrate or underside of rocks. Following this, the male diligently guards the eggs until they hatch, at which point he carefully collects the fry in his mouth for their protection. The male carries the developing fry for several weeks until they are ready to venture out on their own.

Although generally peaceful and non-aggressive towards other fish species, the Five-lined Cardinalfish can display aggression towards conspecifics, particularly during territorial disputes. Despite their small size, these fish possess strong jaws and sharp teeth, allowing them to defend themselves when necessary.

In conclusion, the Five-lined Cardinalfish is a captivating species that adds to the vibrant biodiversity of the 🌊 Red Sea's coral reef ecosystems. With its visually striking appearance and unique hunting strategies, it remains a sought-after sight among divers and snorkelers, enhancing the allure of this spectacular marine environment.

12 cm 1-23 m



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Last Update: December 28, 2023