Ctenactis Crassa

Ctenactis crassa

Ctenactis Crassa

Ctenactis crassa is a member of the Fungiidae family, commonly known as mushroom corals or plate corals. It can grow up to 48 cm in size. The polyps of this coral are elongated, with an axial furrow that extends almost to the ends of the polyps. Along the axial furrow, several mouths are arranged, but they are not found outside the furrow. This coral is typically found in habitats such as reef slopes that are protected from strong wave action, as well as sandy floored reef lagoons, at depths of up to 31 m. It is often observed on the edges of reefs and is considered to be a common species. Its distribution ranges from the 🌊 Red Sea to 🇫🇯 Fiji.

< 48 cm 1-31 m



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Last Update: January 12, 2024