Coral Scallop

Pedum spondyloideum

Coral Scallop

The Coral Scallop (Pedum spondyloideum) is a stunning marine bivalve mollusk species found in the vibrant waters of the 🌊 Red Sea. With its unique and intricate shell pattern, it is a visually captivating creature that never fails to capture the attention of divers and snorkelers.

The shell of the Coral Scallop is approximately 5-6 centimeters in length, displaying a fan-like structure that is adorned with vibrant reddish-orange hues. Its shell appears to be composed of multiple triangular-shaped plates, which give it a distinct scalloped appearance, hence its common name.

This fascinating species is not permanently attached to the coral reef but instead attaches itself to both hard and soft substrates, using byssal threads secreted by a small gland located at the base of its hinge. Its ability to attach and detach itself aids in its mobility, allowing the Coral Scallop to move around the reef according to its needs.

As an active suspension feeder, the Coral Scallop consumes plankton and other organic particles present in the water column. It possesses a pair of highly evolved and intricately developed ciliated gills, which not only enable it to filter feed but also contribute to its unique appearance.

In addition to its striking appearance, the Coral Scallop possesses a surprising defense mechanism. When threatened or disturbed, it rapidly closes its shell by clapping its valves together, creating a loud sound that can startle potential predators or ward off unwanted attention.

Encountering the Coral Scallop while exploring the 🌊 Red Sea's coral reefs is a true delight. Its vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and interesting behavior make it a highlight of underwater encounters. These beautiful creatures serve as a reminder of the breathtaking biodiversity found in the 🌊 Red Sea and the importance of protecting and preserving its delicate ecosystems.

5-6 cm 1-26 m



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Last Update: December 29, 2023