Stenopus hispidus, commonly known as the Banded Cleaner Shrimp, is a fascinating decapod crustacean found in tropical and some temperate waters. Its habitat spans the western Atlantic Ocean from Canada to 🇧🇷 Brazil and extends to regions like 🇦🇺 Australia and 🇳🇿 New Zealand. This shrimp can grow up to 6 centimeters (about 2.4 inches) in length and is visually striking, featuring a mostly transparent body with red and white bands on its carapace, abdomen, and third pair of walking legs. Its white antennae and additional legs, adorned with spines, add to its distinctive appearance.
Remarkably, Stenopus hispidus can recognize its own kind, a rare trait among invertebrates, likely due to chemical signaling. Living primarily on coral reefs below the intertidal zone, this shrimp is found at depths reaching 210 meters (approximately 690 feet). It plays a vital role in its ecosystem as a cleaner shrimp. With its long, white antennae, it attracts fish and uses its three pairs of claws to remove parasites, fungi, and damaged tissue from their bodies.
Females are usually larger than males and tend to establish territories with a diameter of about 1 to 2 meters (3.3 to 6.6 feet). The Banded Cleaner Shrimp is not only captivating in appearance but also crucial for the health of coral reef ecosystems. Its cleaning behavior and symbiotic relationships highlight the complex and often delicate balance of marine life. This intriguing species exemplifies the beauty and intricacy of the natural world.
Last Update: November 30, 2024