Klunzinger's Wrasse

Thalassoma rueppellii

Klunzinger's Wrasse

Klunzinger's wrasse (Thalassoma rueppellii), commonly referred to as Rüppell's wrasse, is a ray-finned fish species belonging to the family Labridae. Endemic to the 🌊 Red Sea, this species predominantly resides along the periphery and offshore slopes of reefs, at varying depths ranging from 1 to 30 meters (3.3 to 98.4 feet). With a maximum length measuring up to 20 cm (7.9 in), it is considered a relatively compact species. Due to its popularity, Klunzinger's wrasse is frequently sought after in the aquarium trade.

20 cm 1-30 m



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Last Update: December 31, 2023