Picasso Triggerfish

Rhinecanthus assasi

Picasso Triggerfish

The Picasso Triggerfish, scientifically known as Rhinecanthus assasi and also referred to as the Assasi triggerfish or Arabian picassofish, belongs to the Balistidae family, commonly known as the triggerfishes.

This species of fish can grow up to a length of 30 centimeters. It displays a distinctive coloration, being tan above and white below, adorned with blue stripes positioned between and below the eyes. Its primary dietary preference involves a consumption of invertebrates.

Rhinecanthus assasi predominantly inhabits coral reefs and surrounding areas. This fish species is prominently found in the western 🌊 Indian Ocean, including regions such as the 🌊 Red Sea and the Persian Gulf.

Timid and cautious, always seeking shelter nearby.

30 cm 1-25 m Dangerous



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Last Update: January 1, 2024