Masked Triggerfish

Sufflamen fraenatum

Masked Triggerfish

The Masked triggerfish (Sufflamen fraenatum), also known as the Bridled triggerfish, is a species commonly observed in coastal reefs and lagoons. They inhabit a wide range of depths, from 8 to 186 meters.

It can be found from the 🌊 Red Sea (occasionally) and 🇴🇲 Oman (frequently) to 🇵🇫 French Polynesia, and extends southward to 🇿🇦 South Africa and Southeast 🇦🇺 Australia.

Feeds on echinoids, fishes, molluscs, tunicates, crustaceans, algae, polychaete worms, foraminiferans, and detritus. Reproduces by laying eggs.

38 cm 8-186 m



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Last Update: January 1, 2024