Bluethroat Triggerfish

Sufflamen albicaudatus

Bluethroat Triggerfish

The Bluethroat Triggerfish (Sufflamen albicaudatus) is a vibrant and fascinating fish species that can be found in the 🌊 Red Sea. It is known for its distinctive appearance and interesting behavior, making it a popular subject for underwater photographers and diving enthusiasts.

The Bluethroat Triggerfish has a compact, oval-shaped body with a protruding forehead and a small, upturned mouth. It typically grows up to 20 centimeters in length, but some individuals can reach sizes of up to 30 centimeters. Its most striking feature is its vibrant coloration. Brown with a white stripe on the base of the tail. Males have a blue throat. Found in shallow lagoons and coral reefs, at depths of 2-20 meters. Feeds on benthic invertebrates. Timid, hides in burrows.

This species is known for its territorial nature and can be quite aggressive, especially when guarding its nest. Male Bluethroat Triggerfish construct nests made of sand and corals on the ocean floor, where they carefully tend to their eggs until they hatch. During this time, they vigorously defend their territory, and any divers or intruders who venture too close may face aggressive displays or even nips from its sharp teeth.

Despite their territorial behavior, Bluethroat Triggerfish are not generally dangerous to humans and are more likely to exhibit defensive behavior rather than actively seeking out confrontation. In fact, these fish are often a delight to observe underwater, showcasing their vibrant colors as they swim gracefully among coral reefs, luring their prey with their upturned mouths and feeding on a variety of small invertebrates, such as worms and crustaceans.

The Bluethroat Triggerfish is best spotted while snorkeling or diving in the 🌊 Red Sea. It prefers shallow, warm waters, particularly around coral reefs, where it can find an abundant food supply and suitable nesting locations.

22 cm 2-20 m Dangerous



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Last Update: December 29, 2023