Crown Squirrellfish

Sargocentron diadema

Crown Squirrellfish

Sargocentron diadema, commonly known as the crowned squirrelfish, is a species of marine ray-finned fish that belongs to the family Holocentridae within the order Holocentriformes. Squirrelfish, in general, are renowned for their large size, energetic nature, and nocturnal behavior, typically displaying a distinctive red coloration.

The crowned squirrelfish can be commonly found inhabiting the reefs of the Indo-Pacific region, spanning from East Africa to Tahiti.

This fish showcases a vibrant red hue, highlighted by delicate white lines that traverse from the gill cover to the caudal peduncle. Notably, the gill cover features two vertical white lines, while an additional line gracefully extends along the upper lip and beneath the prominent eye.




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Last Update: December 26, 2023