Shortnose Pipefish

Micrognathus andersonii

9 cm 1-10 m
Shortnose Pipefish

The Shortnose Pipefish, scientifically classified as Micrognathus andersonii, derives its name from the Greek words "mikros," meaning small, and "gnathos," meaning jaw. This species exhibits a coloration that ranges from pale to dark brown, often displaying 2-3 distinctive blotches on the sides of its trunk.

Habitat and Range: The Shortnose Pipefish is typically associated with reef environments, inhabiting depths ranging from 1 to 10 meters. The species reaches a maximum length of 8.5 centimeters. Notably, male Shortnose Pipefish are responsible for carrying eggs in a specialized brood pouch.

Geographic Distribution: This species is found within the Indo-Pacific region, extending from East Africa and the 🌊 Red Sea to 🇼🇸 Samoa. Its distribution includes northern areas up to southern 🇯🇵 Japan and southern regions down to 🇹🇴 Tonga. Additionally, it is present in Belau, the eastern Caroline Islands, and the Mariana Islands in 🇫🇲 Micronesia.



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Last Update: October 30, 2024
