Broom Filefish

Amanses scopas

Broom Filefish

Amanses scopas, commonly referred to as the broom filefish, is a species of filefish that belongs to the monacanthidae family. It is the sole member of the Amanses genus. In 🇦🇺 Australia, it is also known as the brush-sided leatherjacket, while in Christmas Island, it is referred to as the broom leatherjacket. This harmless tropical reef fish can be found in the 🌊 Red Sea and the undefineds. It typically reaches a maximum length of 20 cm.

The broom filefish has a brown body adorned with up to 12 narrow dark brown crossbars. Its caudal fin is also dark brown, while the soft dorsal, anal, and pectoral fins appear pale. Male individuals display several long spines in front of the caudal peduncle, while females possess a similar toothbrush-like mass of setae in the same area. These filefish are commonly found in habitats consisting of mixed sand, rubble, and coral heads, particularly in semi-protected areas of seaward reefs.

20 cm 1-20 m



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Last Update: January 2, 2024