Bluetail Boxfish

Ostracion cyanurus

Bluetail Boxfish

The Bluetail Boxfish, scientifically known as Ostracion cyanurus, is a striking marine creature found in the 🌊 Red Sea. This species belongs to the family Ostraciidae and is instantly recognizable for its box-shaped body and vibrant blue coloration.

The Bluetail Boxfish exhibits a unique morphology, resembling a rectangular box, thanks to its rigid fused scales that form a protective carapace. Its body is compact, with a large triangular head, small eyes, and a small mouth protruding from the front. The pectoral fins are situated high on the body, contributing to its distinctive appearance.

One of the most captivating features of this species is undoubtedly its vibrant blue color. The Bluetail Boxfish is adorned with a dazzling cobalt blue shade, with hints of electric blue and occasional black markings or spots. This striking coloration serves as a visual warning to potential predators, indicating that it is toxic and should be avoided.

In terms of size, the Bluetail Boxfish usually grows up to approximately 15-20 centimeters in length, making it a relatively small species within its family. Despite its compact size, it possesses a noteworthy presence in the underwater realm, attracting divers and snorkelers who are lucky enough to encounter them.

Inhabiting the vibrant coral reefs of the 🌊 Red Sea, the Bluetail Boxfish is often found in shallower waters, close to reef formations, and rocky substrates. It favors areas with abundant marine vegetation and seeks shelter among coral branches or rocky crevices, where it can hide from predators and find its preferred diet of algae and small invertebrates.

While mainly a peaceful and solitary species, the Bluetail Boxfish is known to exhibit territorial behavior and can become aggressive if its personal space is invaded. When threatened, it has the ability to release a toxic substance called ostracitoxin from specialized cells within its skin, providing a formidable defense mechanism against potential threats.

Overall, the Bluetail Boxfish is an enchanting and captivating species that adds a splash of mesmerizing blue to the already breathtaking marine ecosystem of the 🌊 Red Sea. Its unique shape, vibrant coloration, and intriguing behavior make it a delightful sight for divers and underwater enthusiasts lucky enough to witness its beauty firsthand.

20 cm



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Last Update: December 28, 2023