Fanous West

On the western end of the Fanous reef,a narrow "fossma" or channel breaks through the reef wall to a lagoon outside at 9m and an area of coral garden at 12-l4m. There are two main ergs and various outlying coral pinnacles.

Sea Conditions: The boat can moor on the inside of the fossma in any weather. Here it can remain in the sanctuary of the Fanous lagoon while divers venture outside. The current will only run on the outer wall, direction northeast to southwest. It can run strong, in which case the best approach is a drift dive, dropping in north of the ergs and returning with the current to the boat at the moorings.

Dive Plan: If you're not taking the drift option (above) then head out through the fossma (4m). Don't waste time in the lagoon (9m). It is naturally dead. At the corner you make a choice, either keep following the main reef northeast, or head straight out. There is a prominent coral lump about 20m ahead which lines you up with the main erg (50m away). It is nicest on the north end. To the south are two other large pinnacles.

Marine Life: The usual reef fish and plenty of them - picassos, painted triggers, morays, snowflake morays, octopus, squid, butterflyfish and turtles. Dolphins regularly pass through in the afternoon, usually heading north to south.

Dive Site Features

  • Snorkeling
  • Beginner
  • Advanced
  • Expert
  • Wall / Drop off
  • Drift Diving
  • Night Dive
  • Macro Spot
  • Reef
  • Wreck
  • Pinnacles
  • Cleaning Station


27.2679 33.8879
Fanous West Dive Site Map

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